Hey Friends!
Here's what I've been up to:
I was part of a staff exhibition in early October where I sold the big guy in the image to the right! Art Shed Brisbane staff are all artists and our AMAZING bosses funded our own exhibition! It was really great to check out all my colleagues work as well and our customers came in support and it was super fun.
I also went to Bali for a week and deliberately didn't write down a single thought or create a single piece of art. It was a little bit excruciating because art is literally part of my daily routine but it was actually lovely to take a break from it! I feel like even just that one week break from art has helped me refocus a little and just give me a slightly fresher look at what I am doing.
In other news, I am two assignments away from finishing off my Bachelor of Social Science! This is exciting because hopefully I will next go on to study art therapy. But for now, I am totally going to keep applying what I have learned so far about human behaviour and creativity to my art practice and use it to connect to those of you who love art and are following my journey!
Have a lovely day!